What can be molded from polymer clay? If you run out of ideas, our photo compilation will help you find inspiration! These beautiful diy ideas from polymer clay are created by the hands of craftsmen who love their creativity and are truly passionate about it.

If you are just starting to get acquainted with this material for modeling, and some cool diy ideas you have not very good, do not get upset. For starters, you can try to create some round weirdos, small flowers or berries. Especially interesting to mold small parts, but this requires a particular diligence and patience.
What else can be diy ideas from polymer clay?
Now very popular are small bookmarks for books from paper clips and polymer clay. The mini-figure is created at the very top of the paper clip, so it will always look out of the book. Polymer clay hairpins are also a great diy idea. The top can be made in the form of flowers, some sweets or funny monsters. Also relevant variety of polymer clay jewelry: earrings, rings, pendants and necklaces.
Also original will be to create seasonal items: in the winter – Christmas tree toys, in the spring – floral ornaments, in summer looks good sea theme, and in the fall – Halloween diy ideas.