What can be ideas for polymer clay mugs? As diverse as possible! If you make mugs from polymer clay to order, you probably have a certain pattern of work. Well, in the case of the author’s performance inspiration may run out at some point. In that case, you can find ideas for polymer clay mugs on the Internet, look at other masters and make something according to the sample, but its own, with its own elements and in the author’s molding.

So, what ideas for polymer clay mugs can you take for consideration for your own work?
Mugs with inscriptions are very popular. They can have people’s names written in a beautiful font, short phrases, words of love and about love. You can create good wishes on a mug, “write” with polymer clay a funny joke or a statement of some famous person – it all depends on your imagination.
Such ideas for mugs from polymer clay will always be relevant.
The following ideas for mugs from polymer clay are flowers. The creation of flowers from this plastic material is a separate kind of art, which requires attentiveness and assiduity. After all, each bud, consisting of several delicate and tender petals is a really painstaking work.
Also look cute ideas for mugs from polymer clay in the form of animals, little people, weirdos or characters from popular cartoons. The more cute will be depicted character, whether it be an animal or a cartoon character, the more interesting and fun it will look like such a mug.
To sum up, we advise you to draw ideas for polymer clay mugs in our large photo selection.