Does baked polymer clay break easily?

Polymer clay has gained immense popularity among crafters and artists for its versatility, vibrant colors, and ability to hold intricate details. One common concern that often arises when working with polymer clay is its durability after baking. In this article, we’ll explore whether baked polymer clay is prone to breaking easily and discuss factors that contribute to its strength.

The Nature of Baked Polymer Clay

After being molded and shaped, polymer clay is baked in an oven to undergo a curing process. During baking, the plastic particles in the clay fuse together, resulting in a solid and semi-flexible finished piece. While polymer clay does become firm and strong after baking, its exact level of strength can vary depending on several factors.

Factors Affecting Durability

The durability of baked polymer clay is influenced by various elements, including:

1. Thickness:

Thicker pieces of polymer clay tend to be more robust and less prone to breaking compared to thin and delicate sections. Adding support, such as an armature or wire, to thinner areas can enhance their strength.

2. Baking Time and Temperature:

The baking temperature and duration are crucial factors in determining the strength of baked polymer clay. Following the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific brand of clay you’re using is essential to achieve optimal results.

3. Type of Polymer Clay:

There are various types of polymer clay available, each with its own characteristics. Some types, like the original Sculpey, may be more brittle after baking compared to other brands that offer enhanced strength and flexibility.

4. Conditioning and Mixing:

Properly conditioning and mixing the polymer clay before use contributes to its strength. Thoroughly kneading the clay to eliminate air bubbles and achieve a uniform texture is essential for a strong final product.

5. Design and Structure:

The design of your project and its overall structure play a role in how well the baked polymer clay holds up. Rounded edges and gradual transitions between sections can help prevent stress points that might lead to breakage.

Preventive Measures

To minimize the risk of baked polymer clay breaking easily, consider the following:

  • Create thicker and more robust designs, especially for functional items or jewelry.
  • Choose a high-quality and reliable brand of polymer clay that offers good durability.
  • Properly condition and mix the clay to ensure uniform strength.
  • Add support structures, such as wire armatures, to delicate or thin areas.
  • Avoid sharp angles or thin protrusions that could become weak points.


Baked polymer clay can be quite resilient and durable when the appropriate measures are taken during the creation process. By considering factors such as thickness, baking conditions, clay type, and design, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of your polymer clay creations breaking easily. Whether you’re crafting intricate sculptures, unique jewelry pieces, or functional items, a combination of proper technique, thoughtful design, and careful handling will contribute to the long-lasting strength of your baked polymer clay projects.

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