Can you wear polymer clay in shower?

Polymer clay has captured the imagination of artists and crafters with its versatility and vibrant colors, making it a popular choice for creating jewelry, accessories, and decorative items. However, when it comes to wearing polymer clay in situations where it might come into contact with water, such as the shower, there are important considerations to keep in mind. In this article, we’ll explore whether it’s safe to wear polymer clay in the shower and how to best care for your polymer clay creations.

The Nature of Polymer Clay

Polymer clay is primarily composed of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) particles and a liquid plasticizer, giving it its pliable and workable properties. When properly cured through baking, polymer clay becomes firm, durable, and able to hold intricate details. However, the curing process creates a solid structure rather than a permeable material like ceramics or natural clay.

Shower Exposure and Polymer Clay

Exposing polymer clay to water, especially in a wet environment like a shower, can have varying effects depending on factors such as the type of clay, the level of curing, and the presence of additional sealants or finishes. While some polymer clays are more resilient to moisture than others, it’s generally not recommended to wear polymer clay jewelry or accessories in the shower.

Considerations and Risks

There are several reasons why wearing polymer clay in the shower may not be advisable:

  • Color Fading: Water exposure can potentially cause the colors of polymer clay to fade over time.
  • Softening or Deformation: Prolonged exposure to water and moisture can soften the clay and may cause it to lose its shape or become misshapen.
  • Lack of Porosity: Polymer clay is not porous like natural clay, so it may not absorb water well. This can lead to water becoming trapped between the clay and the skin, potentially causing discomfort or skin irritation.

Protecting Polymer Clay

If you have polymer clay jewelry or accessories that you would like to protect from water exposure, consider the following tips:

  • Remove Before Showering: It’s generally best to remove polymer clay jewelry or accessories before entering the shower or any situation where they might come into contact with water.
  • Sealants and Finishes: Applying a sealant or clear finish specifically designed for polymer clay can provide some level of water resistance and protection.
  • Careful Cleaning: If your polymer clay creations do get wet, gently pat them dry with a soft cloth and allow them to air dry completely before storing.


In conclusion, wearing polymer clay in the shower is not recommended due to the potential risks of color fading, softening, and deformation. While polymer clay is a versatile and durable medium for artistic creations, it may not be suitable for continuous exposure to water and moisture. To ensure the longevity and beauty of your polymer clay jewelry and accessories, it’s best to exercise caution and remove them before engaging in activities where water contact is likely.

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