What temperature is salt glazing?

Salt glazing is typically conducted at high temperatures that range from approximately 2200 to 2400 degrees Fahrenheit (1200 to 1300 degrees Celsius).

Firing Process:

The firing process for salt glazing involves:

  1. Placing salt (often in the form of sodium chloride) in the kiln.
  2. Heating the kiln to the desired temperature range.
  3. Introducing the salt into the kiln during the peak temperature phase.
  4. The salt vaporizes and interacts with the clay and glaze surfaces, creating unique texture and color effects.


Salt glazing results in distinctive orange-peel texture and a glossy finish on the pottery surface. The process also creates unpredictable variations, contributing to the uniqueness of each piece.

It’s important to note that proper ventilation and safety precautions are essential when practicing salt glazing due to the release of corrosive salt vapor.

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