Is polymer clay stronger than air dry clay?

When it comes to strength and durability, polymer clay is generally stronger than air dry clay. Polymer clay undergoes a chemical curing process through baking, resulting in a solid and sturdy finished product. Air dry clay, on the other hand, dries through moisture evaporation and can be more porous and fragile.

Strength factors of polymer clay:

  • Curing: Polymer clay becomes strong and hard after baking, making it suitable for functional items like jewelry and small sculptures.
  • Detail Retention: Polymer clay maintains fine details and textures even after baking.
  • Resistance: Baked polymer clay is more resistant to breakage and chipping compared to air dry clay.

Air dry clay:

  • Brittleness: Air dry clay can be more brittle and susceptible to chipping or cracking due to its drying process.
  • Porosity: Air dry clay can absorb moisture from the environment, potentially affecting its structural integrity.
  • Use Cases: While air dry clay is great for certain projects, polymer clay’s strength makes it better suited for items that require lasting durability.

Consider the requirements of your project and choose the appropriate clay based on your desired outcome.

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